Research projects

CRC members have ongoing national and international funded projects. The funding agencies are the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) though its National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) and Research Projects of National Interest (PRIN) calls and the European Union with projects such as Horizon Europe. Many of the proposers are part of the ERGA (European Reference Genome Atlas) initiative, a pan-European scientific response to current threats to biodiversity, which aims to generate reference genomes representing European biodiversity. This initiative comes in response to the European Commission’s programme, Horizon Europe, which will fund projects of this kind in the near future.

Erkki Lehtovirta – photo


Project title: Phylogeography, genomics and genome-wide association studies to investigate the origin and biology of an iconic model species: the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica)

Funded project 2017CWHLHY, duration 36 months. Coordinator: Antonio Torroni (Uni Pavia), Head of Local Research Unit Gianfranceschi L. photo


Project title: Regolazione genetica ed ambientale del comportamento riproduttivo e migratorio negli uccelli selvatici: un approccio sperimentale.

Funded project 20178T2PSW, duration 36 months. Coordinator: Diego Rubolini (UNIMI), partner Research Unit leader Andrea Pilastro (UNIPD)

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